Tuesday, April 17, 2012

On Cops and other things police worthy

I am aware always that people make snap judgments about the Police and the cops that one comes across. Lately, Cops are getting a largely bad rep, of course, that is not much to say since they almost always have bad reps.
A lot of this stigma comes with the powers they are granted and the orders they are expected to carry out. There are however several things one should consider before you pass judgment of these men (mostly men) and women.

  1. Cops/the Police/Law Enforcement Officers/more titles and slang names abound are human beings who are constantly in the public eye and thus their personalities and actions are exemplified often to their detriment and that of their profession to boot. Cops are mortal men and women who are fallible yet expected to be exemplary of what they should be or could be.
  2. Cops make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The problem is that some mistakes carry heavier consequences than others. Give a man or woman a gun and the powers and responsibilities that come with the badge and the fallout from their mistakes are tenfold what the average man or woman could manage. 
  3. Every cop has taken an oath to serve and protect. It is important to remember what these cops have sword to protect and who they are serving. The answers should be the obvious, but it is largely left to the interpretation of what each cop and their department consider to be society, civilization, citizenry, the state/nation and the law. Cops are law enforcement officers, they are there to obey and enforce the consequences of breaking the law. Sometimes they are considered to be Peace Officers and are there to keep the peace. This also is largely a matter of interpretation.
  4. Cops are like people and when you speak of them in terms of which it is important to remember that while there are good cops and bad cops, nice cops and tough cops, friendly cops and decidedly unfriendly cops; they are not unlike people in other occupations- they all have dreams and ambitions that may not match your own. There is one real important detail to take note of and that is, they can arrest you (given enough justification of course).
There are other things but for my purposes, I will stick with these. I started this job with one set of expectations and have ended up with an almost completely different set at this point. While I was outside, I got to see Cops not as a blank uniform group of men and women but as individuals with fallacies and strengths that helped and hindered them as they worked through decidedly stressful days and nights. 
So, the short answer is always yes, but also no, because Cops are people too. Albeit, people with guns.

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