Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lost in the Land of Books

The University Library is a world unto itself. Once you are pulled into its orbit, much of reality that exists beyond it walls ceases to be that prevalent. People have been know to get lost in the stacks for years... well not completely literally but then again you never know.
Butter came there with big plans to get his master's degree and stayed for years and years. I never knew whether the mastery ever did get achieved. He did outlast us all as a guard though, so I suspect he got the last laugh.
The staff of the Library was much the same, few were really there by choice or design, most had come there looking for something else and stayed for various reasons. A few - a very few escaped immediately.
1. Frank- I am going to call him Frank was one of them, He wanted to be a movie star but he ended up like the guy in the Piano Man song except he could be found in the library and not the bars. He had some kind of checkout job. What I knew of him was he would audtion for everything and get nothing unless the role involved no pay. The great actor who everybody liked but not the guys with money anyways.
2. Bill, yeah I actually think that could be his name. He was a tall thin guy with a scruffy beard. One of the most laid back guys I have ever known. Nothing fazed him. Someone told me he had like three doctrates but never did anything about them. He was in and out of reference and seemed to be a floater from department to department. Mostly Bill specialized in staying under the radar of the Admins. We guards decided that Bill was in witness protection and collectively admired and feared him.
3. Eduwardo De Frances, No it is a pseudonym, I don't remember his name save that it was about that fancy. He was modestly cultured and semi-elite. Gay but not announced and like to haul around this car phone (not a cell but the original car phone). The car phone had a handset and base unit that stayed in a bag. the keypad was on the outside of the handset on the top. It was actually one of the very few car phones I ever had seen. He used it like a cell phone though. It complimented him completely, Eduwardo was smooth and clean and had pretty awful dental work. Still I liked him since if you ever needed the low down on the goings on, he was the man to ask.
4. Miranda or "Boookends" - no I am not sure exactly why she was called that, but there probably was a good reason for it. Bookends was your typical depictions of a librarian, frumpy clothing and the glasses on a chain around her neck. She would have been the stereo typical librarian save that she was 25-something and kind of attractive if you could  find her smiling which was pretty rare. Occassionally you could spot down in the stack grinning at some book.

More to come.

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