Wednesday, May 2, 2012

There's a centaur in here somewhere

OK, one of the strangest things in the University Library is the case that has the centaur fossil in it. Yes, I said Centaur fossil and library. There is this case in one of the lounges with a centaur skeleton in it. under glass as if it had been found and brought in partially dug up. According to the clap trap around the stacks, a long time back the anthropology department got really bored and cooked up this urban myth, even created a digsite for the discovery and phot op and all kind of outrageous stuff. The centaur is life size albeit a little small for a horse, although plenty big enough to be a man. In case any of you don't watch or play greek myth based tv or video games or read books- a centaur is a half-man/half horse hybrid that supposedly wondering around golden age Greece.
It is all bullshit, I know it and the other guards know it although I am not sure the Russian is completely convinced. But this doesn't include everyone. Oh no, there is a section of the library population that is convinced that this was an actual bona-fide centaur.

What makes this worse is there are several that not only belief that is a actual skeleton of a centaur but that his ghost is roaming the stacks too. Why? No one is actually sure. Butter says that Barney and another guard named Roger Roger are to blame for this.
Apparently there were some pretty gullible Chinese or Korean students who believed them when they were told this myth about the ghost of the centaur roaming the stacks. Barney and RR thought it would be great to use their radios to pull this farce off and one night they staged a haunting of the stacks accompanied by the clopping of hooves, neighing and whinnying of a horse and cloppity clopping at full gallop to scare the bejeezers out of two of these poor kids. Barney and RR had a good laugh about this until dispatch sent some uniforms to locate the four hooved criminal trespasser and the truth came out. RR got reassigned and Barney got a firm talking too.
This only inspired the 2 to expand on the haunting and from time to time the night would be filled with the haunting of our Centaur plus on campus spotting's of the Ghost. RR finally bit of more than he could chew one night and the next night cleaned out his locker and Barney let it go.
Only it was too late.
Now we get sighting calls and mysterious noises calls from time to time as the legend of the ghost Centaur gets passed from one exchange student to the next.
Sometimes you will spot a small cluster of them approaching the display case housing the "skeleton" with reverence and respect.

Last week, one of them left a rice cake for it.

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