Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Every once in a while.
The University cops have a situation that totally melts their brains and their whole sense of protocol goes up in a haze of confiscated dope being destroyed even after the DEA told them they were coming to remove it. I'm not saying this happened, but I am saying that Officer Hickle got high on something and passed out in his squad car after raiding the Belta Gamma Hiccup House.
The University had a string of burglaries in the parking garage behind Strom Gay Hall. These thefts occurred between 2 and 5 pm. This is the prime time for car break-ins, in case any of you readers are planning to embark on sleuthing or stealing.
The University cops decided they needed extra manpower to solve this problem, really nip it in the bud, so to say, so they grabbed the Smurfs and stuck them in all of the parking garages overnight. 2 shifts 4-12 and 11-7, because that made sense to someone. The criminals enjoyed 2 hours of cop free time to do their crime spree.
I, Brainy Smurf got pulled out to do the 11-7 even though I worked 2nd shift at the Library- because that made sense. Detective Murphy McMurphy explained this to me in the squad room like this.
"Does anyone have any questions?" Detective McMurphy asked after outlining his fool proof plan.
I stuck my hand up.
"Fuck me," the detective said under his breath. "What is it Van?"
"I have a question, sir."
"What is the question, Van?"
"If the car break-ins usually take place between 2 to 5, Why am I getting put in the Garage from 11 to 7?"
"I thought I made this clear, Van?"
"Could you explain it again and use larger words?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" McMurphy's beady eyes blaze.
"Dismissed!" Sergeant Bullocks yells, sensing the shitstorm about to take place.

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